May 09, 2004

One small step for Blogdom..

Several dozen frenzied keystrokes for blogger :)

Hello Woild, and welcome to my blog.
I have attempted starting 2 blogs in the past, but I promise not to abandon this one and leave it crying in the gutter like a lost kitten :)

So this blog is called "Bring back the 80's". I called it that because after a survey of my feelings towards cultural things in general, To try and figure out what I felt the most strongly about, I came to the conclusion that — aside from better hair and technological/geeky advancements — nothing culturally important has happened since 1989.

So let the blogging commence. :) Blog afficianado's will notice that I'm using the most basic, defaultiest movable type template available. This is because I scarcely know what I am doing folks :) Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.

Also, since I don't know if there is a place where I've already entered this or not, my email address is [ ].

- - Jesse Thompson
proud übergeek

Posted by jesse at May 9, 2004 02:15 AM