For awhile there I got a blog entry in every day :) Now my average is slipping again to 1 every 3 days.
Ah well, interesting things have happened here.
We had our family reunion yesterday, on my grandma's 75th birthday, many people came and a fun time was had by all. The food was also superb.
My uncle gave gramma a computer (?!) for her birthday, making the people who raised me the last people in my family (going out 4 generations) to own one. Sometime this week I'll have a chance to go down there, and I'll put my blog in her bookmarks so that she won't complain about not calling quite so often. She can read "the Jesse Gazette" along with the other 3 of you :)
This morning my grandpa went parasailing. (?!) It proved too early-morning of an early-morning event for my family to attend (neither of us were confident in our abilities to operate a vehicle at that time) but the word was that it was a beautiful morning and a wonderful flight, and everyone involved felt less freaked-out after having seen it accomplished :)
I got to watch Donnie Darko and was only vaguely impressed. Of all things, what I found lacking was the plot. The Cinematography, special effects, and sound design were choice. Of course I'm a huge fan of Tears for Fears, but I never would have relied on their music so heavily to drive any film of mine. I found myself predicting, with biting accuracy, what the "sensible" people in Donnie's life would say next on three seperate occasions.
The plot was nebulous. It was in no way clear where all of the forsight was coming from, or why the jet engine got caught in a wormhole. Yes, yes, "Einstein-Rosen bridge", they were stealing the homework done by Carl Seagan for the original book 'Contact'. "Any metal vehicle" indeed, I wonder if Professor Noah Wiley was referring to needing structural integrity, or simply quoting Doc Emmet brown so far as "stainless steel being a good electrical conducter".
All I know is it sure sucks to be Frank the Rabbit. Poor guy, he's just trying to "go with" your sister and hang loose, and you go and shoot him in the eyeball.
Well, Jake Gyllenhaal is a fine actor (and of course Maggie is a hottie) and Richard Kelley will probably start making some very interesting movies soon. (I guess he has three in he works now)
Posted by jesse at July 25, 2004 10:44 PMHow in the world can you love the 80's and not love Donnie Darko? Of course it's not about the 80's as much as it's in the 80's. I rented it a few times and loved it. Then the wife finally saw it and loved it so much she bought the DVD. Of course this is a film that people are either going to love or hate. You either 'get it' or you don't.
Posted by: monkeyinabox at July 26, 2004 03:52 PMSounds a bit like Homestar Runner then :]
Naw, seriously though, I guess I don't get it but I wouldn't mind getting it if there's something I'm missing. I know quite a bit about the convolutions time travel is capable of bringing about. One of the more complicated examples of which I wrote myself in 1992 (Corsican Rule). I'm pretty sure I'm not getting confused about anything that happens, aside from the fact that Donnie is in fact a fruitcake and what's the story with Grandma Death?
Posted by: Jesse Thompson at July 28, 2004 01:43 AM