August 28, 2004

Bachelor Chow

I cann'uh cook. My specialty seems to be water flambe. As a result I've lived off of a mixture of TV dinners, fast food, and IHOP for the last decade. Darla can't really cook either, she's on equal footing with me.

We stock the freezer up with lean (blech) cuisines, Michelena's and Budget Gormet pastas, Totinos or Jeno's party pizzas, corn dogs and burritos. Our fridge is 90% full of various beverages.

So, just out of curiosity, among those of you with no cooks in your household, what do your fridges look like? Eating out all the time is relatively spendy (to the tune of $600/mo if my last bank statement has anything to say about it) so I'm imagining our fellow frugal american's have to have some tricks up their lazy kitchen sleeves. :)

Posted by jesse at August 28, 2004 08:58 PM

I'm SO, so blessed with a wonderful chef of a wife. Just today, she made two casseroles to tide me over as she heads out on the road again for her job in the AM. I, too, am not a cook - oh, I could, but the time it takes, plus the cleanup, etc. Happy to help my sweet missus, but not on my own!

We shall HAVE to have you and Darla over for one of Deb's specialties sometime. She loves the Food Network, and peruses their Website for recipes all the time. Usually, they work on first try out, maybe with a little mid-course correction.

I too am a microwaving fool, but some of those lil pre-prepped in-plastic $3 meals at Albertson's, etc. sure beats the eating out stuff, when one is chained to the keyboard as Yours Truly can be far too often;-)

Posted by: Barney at August 29, 2004 10:45 PM

Good Eats is something else, I've gots a few eps on vcd

Posted by: Jesse Thompson at August 30, 2004 07:56 PM